What Our Customers Say

Our customers’ words are our best advertisement

At M&M Automatic Products, we’re proud to meet our customers’ needs for high-quality parts delivered to print, on time, and on budget—just as we’ve been doing for more than 20 years. But rather than asking you to take our word for it, we’ll let our satisfied and loyal customers speak for themselves:

M&M has always been a fantastic partner with us. We never have to worry about the parts they produce and they always deliver on or before when they promise parts.

Mike Hochstetler
Procurement Specialist
Shepherd Caster Corporation

Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Company has been ordering design specific parts from M&M Automatic Products, Inc. for over twenty years. Parts such as piston pins, valve covers and retainers are a critical component of our industrial quality air compressor pump. M&M’s quality, pricing and on-time delivery are all reasons we have continued to work closely with them throughout the years. We would highly recommend M&M Automatic, Inc. for any of your component needs. (Saylor-Beall is located in St. Johns, Michigan.)

Debra Kares
V.P. Manufacturing
Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Company

Globe Technologies has been doing business with M & M for over 12 years. We purchase several parts on a monthly basis with a history of great quality and a good on time delivery record.

Globe Technologies Company

M&M automatic manufacturing

M&M automatic contract machining

contract manufacturing company

M & M Automatic Products, Inc. 420 Ingham St. Jackson, MI  49201