January 26

outsource manufacturing pitfalls

Outsourcing your parts manufacturing to a company within the United States can provide you with more opportunity to get the quality parts you need without having to invest in more products machinery or employees and without breaking the budget. Like any time you utilize an outside source for business, there are things you should be aware of to avoid falling victim to scammers or poor quality service and parts. Here are five areas to be aware of when outsourcing your contract manufacturing.

Skipping Your Research

In order to ensure that you choose a company that is qualified for your company and project, you should go through the process of properly vetting them or qualifying the manufacturing company first.

Here’s an easy checklist to use when qualifying a contract manufacturing company. Download it free here.

Look into their certifications - are they ISO Certified? Glance at their online reviews either on Better Business Bureau or on their own website to get a feel for type of experiences people have had with them. Use this information to research and compare different companies.

Sacrificing Quality for Budget

Every business wants to save a penny where they can, but when it comes at the expense of quality, you’ll end up getting the short end of the stick. There are ways that you can save, such as switching out the material you machine with to more cost-effective materials, and this is a great way to increase your ROI. However, what you want to be very cautious of is any company that promises top-notch quality on a shoestring budget. The overall quality may end up being poor, they might not provide you with the communication and customer service you deserve, or, even worse, you may end up getting a surprise bill at the end of the run.

Unclear Timelines & Communication

Whether you only need a one-time part or you need to schedule recurring manufacturing over the course of a year, it’s important to clearly communicate every timeline and deadline you’ll be needing your parts by. A common and costly mistake in manufacturing is not being completely up front and vocal about when companies need their products by. Headaches and failed deadlines can cost you even more time, money and resources.

Not Utilizing Machinists for Recommendations

Contract machinists are more than just a vehicle to carry out your project, but they are experts of the manufacturing process and can be utilized as a great source of information on how to best manufacture your parts and components. Whether it be what materials to use, how to machine to reduce run time, or figuring out what the best design would be for the part, contract machinists should be used as an expert resource for you. Not utilizing them to their fullest ability can be the difference between money in your pocket or more money thrown into the manufacturing process.

Not Regulating Compliance Standards

Many industries like the medical field and food industry have strict guidelines and standards that need to be met. If you are getting a part manufactured within a field with high standards such as these, it’s crucial that you make sure that those are being met within the design and manufacturing process.

As the owner of the design, you need to be responsible for the regulating and managing your product to ensure it aligns with your industry standards, reimburse your contract manufacturing company to do it or hire an additional outside source to do so.

These five areas have caused a lot of companies more time, resources and stress, but can be easily avoided if you are prepared and know what to look for. If you have any other problems you’re facing with your manufacturing needs, feel free to get in touch with us. We’d be happy to help you figure out the best and most cost-effective way to manufacturing your parts.

Checklist Qualifying Contract Machining Company

M & M Automatic Products, Inc. 420 Ingham St. Jackson, MI  49201